I grew up further north than we currently live. I remember snow on Halloween (man my legs were cold the year I was wearing a majorette costume!) and more snow 3 days before my birthday in middle of May.
Of course, there were years with less, when the snow came later, but more often than not, there was snow in November, toward the end of the month.
Down here? Much less.
So imagine my surprise yesterday when the girls started screaming that it was snowing outside. It was suddenly time to dig out the heavier winter coats. Ah. And time for the 45 minute dressing session to go outside for 10 minutes began.
All too soon for me.
I was really shocked when Caitlyn came in with a snowball. Yes, folks there was enough for her to make a fair sized snowball to shove down her mother’s shirt. Silly girl. It got her one scream, and one snowball shoved down her shirt and smushed all over.
We had more flurries today. One child was singing, “snow, snow, go away.” Two were much more loudly singing, “snow, snow, stay, stay, stay.”
I kicked them all outside to play in the snow mixed with fall leaves.
If all else fails, make sure at least mama is happy!